Get Ready for Winter: Tips for Winterizing Your Sealcoating Equipment

Nov. 12 2021 Miscellaneous By Asphalt Care Equipment

The approach of winter means it’s time to take extra steps in ensuring your company is ready to handle the cold season. However, getting prepared for the new season means more than picking up salt from the hardware store and planning for your snow removal services to keep your property safe; it’s also time to winterize your seal coating equipment. If you skip out on this crucial step, you could damage your heavy machinery and have to deal with repairs and delays in the spring. Protect your sealcoat machines from the freezing temperatures this winter with these winterizing tips.

Follow the Manufacturer Guidelines

The company that manufactured your sealcoating equipment knows better than anyone how to care for and maintain the machinery properly. Consult your copy of instructions on how to winterize the equipment. If you do not have this document or misplaced it, you can reach out to your dealer or the manufacturer for a copy.

Store Leftover Sealer

Once the seal coating season ends, you will want to remove the sealer from the tank and store whatever is leftover. Keeping this additional sealer in a sealer drum or tote can save you money in the next season. However, it must be stored in above-freezing conditions (such as in a temperature-controlled garage); otherwise, it will be unusable next season.

Flush and Drain Equipment and Parts

Once you’ve removed the extra sealer from the tank, you will need to flush out the equipment. Sealer can build up in the pumps, meters, hoses, and filters and then freeze. This would lead to the need for costly repairs come springtime.

You can pressure wash the inside and outside of the equipment to loosen any buildup that cannot be reached by the rubber wipers in the tank. Then, you can fill the tank halfway with water and flush it out to get rid of any stubborn sealer. After doing this, you will want to open all the valves to make sure no water says inside the tank or piping.

Remove and Store the Spray Wand Hose

While winterizing your equipment, don’t forget to take care of the spray wand hose. You do not want to leave it exposed to freezing temperatures, or it will become brittle and break during the next seal coating season.

A Few Additional Maintenance Steps

Before storing your sealcoating machines for the season, you should check the tires and refill them with air if necessary, grease the axles, and check the brakes to see if they need to be replaced. It’s also important to change the oil, so the engine isn’t exposed to dirty oil all season long. Finally, make sure you clean out the filter pot to ensure it will be ready to go in spring.

Caring for Your Paving Equipment

Your asphalt company can only perform as well as your sealcoating equipment. So, make sure you take care of it properly this winter by following these winterizing tips. This will save you hundreds of dollars in repair costs and lost revenue due to downtime come spring.

If you want to skip the hassle of winterizing your paving tools, you can leave it to us when you choose our pavement equipment rentals. Lease them when you need them, and we’ll take care of the storage in the off-season. But if you would like to own your own equipment, you can also get new or used asphalt sealing equipment for sale at Asphalt Care Equipment. Whichever option you choose, we’re here to support you and your business.

Contact us today if you have any questions or want more information about our sealcoating equipment.